The Latest in Skin Care: Oxygen Facials

As a “mature” woman, I’m always on the lookout for the newest thing in skin care treatments. Yesterday, when I was in my fave beauty spa, I was offered an Oxygen Facial as an upgrade to my regular facial. As it was a special promotion (on for half price), and as I’m always ready to be a guinea pig, I thought, “What the hey” and went for it. Now for those of you who haven’t heard of this treatment, it’s something Madonna highly recommended on her website last year. Since then, a number of celebs (Jennifer Aniston, Nicole Kidman, amongst others) have tried it.

What is it exactly? This new technology uses the revitalizing power of pure oxygen to stimulate cells. Aging and free radicals reduce oxygen supply to the skin which then appears dull and shows signs of wrinkles and age spots. This treatment is supposed to accelerate cell regeneration, and to restore the skin’s hydration and plumpness.

The Machine

The Machine

What’s involved? My particular treatment involved nutrient-rich serums being misted onto the skin, followed by pure oxygen infusion to massage and stimulate the cells.

This is not me.

This is not me.

The results? Well, in my case, I was really pleased! The skin around my eyes looked as if I’d had an eyelift; my eyes were more widely open than they’d been for years. The rest of my face looked hydrated, plumped and refreshed, no longer a dull tone.

So, yes, I’m sold, and I might even purchase some anti-aging oxygen skin products.